UX|UI : User Testing

Kass Dobrinich
3 min readOct 27, 2019


I conducted three different user tests for the Etiquette App against basic usability questions and accessibility. They are a UX expert, mother, and a teacher, which some fit my targeted user group. I tested the app with them against accessibility issues that helped me figure out what I could improve with the overall flow and design.

User Tester №1

Katie is a 32 years old, UX Architect at World Wide Technology. She does not represent my target user group, but she is a UX expert. She liked the overall idea of the app and the UI design. She thought that the graphics were fitting for each of the reporting steps. She had a few issues with figuring out how to move through the app, by not realizing the back and forward button icons on the top of the page. She didn’t feel that the progress icon on the bottom was necessary. She also, suggested the level of severity descriptions could be re-worded differently. She felt that she should be able to select multiple options with the type of incidents, as well. Lastly, she didn’t feel that the review your report step didn’t need to include the list of things that you selected in the app, just the report itself needs to just be on the page.

User Tester №2

Alinea is 34 year old who uses a variety of apps on her iPhone and has children on her own. She represents my target user group because she is familiar with using apps and would love to have immediate communication with the school if her children are acting inappropriate in school. She liked the color theme and the overall idea of the app. She also, appreciated how easy the flow of the app was. She couldn’t select multiple options (Guidance Counselor and Parents/Guardians) when selecting who the report would be sent to. She suggested that there should options, other than all of the above.

User Tester №3

Mary is a 50 year old teacher at N. O. Nelson School in Edwardsville, IL. She represents my target user group because she would be the one using this app professionally. She also, has had a lot of experienced with troubled children and children are specifically placed in her class, due to her excellence in helping them overcome their problems in the classroom. She appreciates the idea of the app. She also, appreciates the simplicity of the UI design. She feels that she was able to move through the app quickly, as oppose to filling out a form on the Basca website. Like Alinea, she likes that you are able to send the report to multiple people, but would like to be able to send the report to other people, such as the parents/guardian and the administration. Like Katie, she she would like to be able to select multiple options with the type of incidents, such as Verbal and Physical.


All three of my testers, had very similar responses and reactions to the app. From what I gathered, I won’t have to much redesigning (maybe remove the progress bar). I will definitely be making the level of severity and type of incidents selection have more selections. Lastly, I will be removing the list of selections that the user selected on the review step page. Overall, the testing was a great learning experience, especially at World Wide Technology.



Kass Dobrinich

Designer — Focused on App Development, UX/UI Design, and Web Design. Please visit my work at www.behance.net/kassdobrinich